Vocal Training for a Safe Workplace: Promoting Health and Wellbeing
This article discusses the importance of vocal training for OH&S compliance and outlines measures taken by a primary school to mitigate the risk of voice dis…
This article discusses the importance of vocal training for OH&S compliance and outlines measures taken by a primary school to mitigate the risk of voice dis…
A hoarse voice is not just ‘part of the job’, it shouldn’t be ignored. Here’s what you need to know about the QLD WorkCover claim process to seek out expert help.
If a clear, strong voice is essential in your job, then you need good vocal hygiene strategies to protect, repair and keep your voice in healthy working order.
Speech Pathologists help with communication. Look for a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist with additional training in your area of need eg. voice care.
Voice projection will help build your confidence as a speaker, give you a natural authority, and help you hold attention. Learn how to project your voice without straining.
Voice training for teachers is essential as teachers use their voice continuously throughout the day. Voice training can help minimise vocal strain or damage.